Maths for early years

3D shapes Odd One Out
Worksheet for children to find the odd one out in a line of 3D shapes. Good for reasoning.

Comparing number sentences to 20
Differentiated work to find the biggest and smallest from two number sentences. Good for consolidating addition and subtraction.

Number bonds using money
Finding change from 10 and 20p to consolidate number bond knowledge. Children really enjoyed this as I also placed some of the products on the page and we used real money!

Representing numbers to 20
Differentiated worksheets to help children understand different representations to numbers to 20 and 50.

Partitioning numbers to fifty
Differentiated worksheets for partitioning numbers to fifty using the part whole model.

Counting forwards and backwards
Differentiated counting forwards and backwards to twenty and fifty most suitable for year 1.

Year 1 Position and Direction Weekly Plan
A weekly plan for position and direction suitable for year 1. Follows block 3 of the white rose maths scheme.

Counting in twos, fives and tens
Arithmetic worksheets to help fluency in counting in twos, fives and tens. Scooby Doo themed!

Finding half of an amount
Differentiated worksheets for children to count how many items there are and find half.

Finding half of a shape
Differentiated worksheets for children to find and shade half of a range of shapes.

Finding half an amount of money
A simple introduction to finding half of an amount of money. Differentiated with coins up to a 20p piece.